Domo and Snowflake, part 3: Data literacy unlocked

Domo and Snowflake, part 3: Data literacy unlocked

Imagine suddenly finding yourself with significant business opportunities in foreign countries, conducted in languages with which you are unfamiliar. 
You hire translators—they’re expensive, and excellent—but they are necessarily a limited resource, and the number of opportunities you can pursue are limited by the translators available. 
Those translators, which were hired to do a variety of work at multiple levels of an account, instead find their time monopolized by random meetings, because every time someone pursues an opportunity they have to ask a translator to assist them. 

This is, too often, the state of play with data in conventional approaches to BI. Research suggests that engineering challenges and difficulty accessing stored data waste at least a third of the time data analysts have available—and too much of the time they do have is spent writing reports instead of actively analyzing data or generating new money-saving insights. 
In addition, employees closer to the decisions that need to be made find themselves waiting on those reports. This confluence of bottlenecks limits clarity and inhibits action, at precisely the economic moment when speed and insight are most essential. 
What this means is that the value of your enterprise data warehouse (EDW) will always be circumscribed by your ability to access and make use of it. 
When Domo and Snowflake developed their partnership and integration, both companies understood implicitly that the value they provide to customers comes from broadening access to the clarity data provides, not just keeping that data safe and secure. 

Thanks to the integration, Snowflake database administrators can set up an external stage and point it to Domo, which then appears in Snowflake as a warehouse or database for running queries. And Domo can manage its own set of databases in your Snowflake account to write data back. 

What this means is that whether data is coming or going, Domo’s integration with Snowflake makes accessing the data swifter and simpler. 

This not only frees up the time that analysts need to write reports and run queries and generate new ideas based on the data available, it expands access to more of those employees making the decisions.   

Because data can be accessed more easily, individuals don’t need to have a data science degree or professional certification to make use of it. Spin up a dashboard, bring the data into it, and make better decisions. 

At Domo, we call this data literacy. You don’t need to be fluent in data to be able to make sense of it, to access it, to use it, and transform it from raw information into insight.   

By democratizing access to data stored in EDWs like Snowflake, Domo optimizes the value of the investments your company has made in its data architecture.

This is why, as we say, Domo is really modern BI for all, because modern BI is only as modern as the percentage of people in your organization who can mobilize and use it effectively. 

For more on what the Domo approach to modern BI can do for you, and how this plays out in Domo’s integration with Snowflake, check out this whitepaper.