How does Domo work? Here’s how to find out

How does Domo work? Here’s how to find out

Have you ever wondered how Domo works but maybe weren’t ready to contact us for a demonstration? If the answer is “yes,” then good news: We’ve got you covered.

On a weekly basis leading up to and after the 2020 festive season, a Domo senior solution consultant will host a live product demo designed to give anyone with an interest in the Business Cloud a glimpse at what makes it such a powerful piece of technology.

In December, the sessions will take place on the first three Wednesdays and start at 11 a.m. MT with a Domo expert briefly explaining why the software was created and how it’s enabling organizations to go big, go fast, and go bold.

As the 45-minute tutorial progresses, you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of the award-winning product through a potential use case that would apply to any company.

“I love doing demos because it puts the platform in a context that people can really understand,” said Senior Solution Consultant Dan Gouveia, who hosted the November live demo and has been helping people leverage Domo to make better business decisions for almost three years now.

“I share my screen and just try to keep everything simple and digestible. That way, whoever’s watching has no trouble drawing the connection between what Domo does and how it could drive their own organization forward.”

To learn more about the upcoming live demos, or to register for any of them, click here.