Letter: Debate theatrics aside, Trump’s record and platform is clearly stronger than Harris’

Kamala Harris’ history and past actions have shown no substance to support the promises and plans she made during the presidential debate.

Letter: Debate theatrics aside, Trump’s record and platform is clearly stronger than Harris’

To decide who really won the debate, we first have to think, what should we be looking for in a president to get this country up and running again?

Well we need a mentally strong leader who can command peace between the U.S. and other nations with something as simple as their words.

Someone who knows how to negotiate and be firm in standing up for the people of this country. This president also must have a caring and loving side, a true personal connection for the protection and prosperity for the people. This president can’t be complacent, they have to be a doer, a person who takes action and backs their words with action. Someone who puts value and weight to what they say…and that person that fits this criteria is Donald J. Trump.

Hear me out, if we watch the debate and don’t get caught up in the little nuances of things that keep us from seeing the big picture of who’s the better president then the answer is clearly Trump should be the next president. He explained he would stop inflation, he would lower taxes, bring up the economy, he would stop the struggle of hardworking families just trying to make it by during the inflation, and stop the war in Ukraine and his words have been backed up by his actions during the time he was president.

On the contrary, Kamala Harris’ history and past actions have shown no substance to support the promises and plans she made during the presidential debate.

— Starlit Chavez, Montclair